Saturday, November 24, 2012

“Disconnected Kids”, by Dr. Robert Melillo, 2009

I discovered this book about 1 month ago. It is a weath of information into recent research on current childhood brain problems, and it says most of them have 1 root problem: a brain imbalance, otherwise known as an out of sync brain.  The imbalance is caused when either the right or left side of the brain is underdeveloped.  It says the cause is environmental, and it is treatable.  The book is a home program for diagnosing and treating your child.  The goal is not just coping, but it is complete healing!

The 2 sides of the brain grow at different times: from prenatal to age 2 – only the right brain grows, from age 2 to 4 or 5 – only the left brain develops, and from 5 to 10 - the sides alternate frequently in growing.   The cause of the brain imbalance is when the brain has trauma or a lack of stimuli.  FYI – I have more knowledge of right brain imbalance because our adopted daughter has this.  For example, if a child has a difficult birth and neglect and/or abuse up to age 2, then they will likely have a underdeveloped right brain and display some symptoms such as ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, food allergies and sensitivities, anti-social behavior, hyper-sensitivity, oppositional defiance disorder, and problems with abstract and higher-level concepts such as reasoning and comprehension.  Or if a child has neglect and/or abuse from age 2 to 5, they will likely have symptoms such as dyslexia, processing problems, and problems with details.

I suggest you first use the Master Checklist below, then purchase the "Disconnect Kids" book.  We are doing this with my daughter, and I will start treatment within 1 month.  If I have problems such as lack of progress I will look into going to the Little Giant Steps clinic.

1.       PDF presentation on Disconnect Kids given at the LPC Adoption Foster Support couples meeting on Nov. 8, 2012
click here to open

2.       Master Checklist provided in the Disconnect Kids book for diagnosing your child. 
click here to open

Total number of checks indicate severity of problem.  50 or less mild, 50-100 moderate, 100 - 200 more severe.
More right brain checks indicate a right brain imbalance, and more left brain checks indicate a left brain imbalance.

3.        “Disconnected Kids” book, by Dr. Robert Melillo, 2009 (I purchased ebook on Amazon for Kindle)

4.       “Reconnected Kids” book, by Dr. Robert Melillo (ideas for making the Disconnected Kids program work at home)

5.       Brain Balance Center of Plano, TX (one of Dr. Melillo’s clinics)

6.       Little Giant Steps, Plano, TX (Christian, lower rates)

7. (Dr. Melillo’s web site)

8. (our blog)


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Intro - The Healing Home – connecting the disconnected child

Intro - The Healing Home – connecting the disconnected child

Gary Moreau, based primarily on book “Disconnected Kids”, by Dr. Robert Melillo, 2009

Beginning a journey in using the mind-body connection to correctly diagnose our children, help them to understand their problems and to cope, and to get on the road of permanent healing.

There is an alarming escalation of the number of children who cannot fully function in this world because they do not have fully functioning brains.  16 million children in 2009 had severe attention, behavioral and learning problems.  Includes ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, bipolar, etc.  In 1999: 1 in 10,000 children had autism, in 2009: 1 in 150 had autism.

The norm in our world is to view brain problem symptoms as separate problems.  No explainable root cause, and no cure.  All you can do is diagnose, label the child, medicate the symptoms and cope.  Drugs mask problems.  Some well-meaning teachers and therapists make problems worse.  Parents told symptoms could subside, or get worse.  Parents told to talk to school teacher, see psychologist, be loving, understanding, patient, and learn to cope. 

Brain Balance Program has seen over 1000 children cured, and over 1000 medical professionals use part or all of this approach (2009).  This is all the “connected”, “disconnected”, “reconnected”, and “out of sync” folks.  Treatment is non-medical, correcting underlying problem.  Program has been adapted for parents and teachers to do themselves in the “Disconnected Kids” book.  Last month one thing we talked about was “Brain Gym” – this is a technique to cope and heal using the mind-body connection.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Adoption and Foster support Nov. 8 - Connecting the disconnected child

Adoption and Foster support group at LPC Rockwall, Nov. 8

Creating a Healing Home - connecting the disconnected child

By Gary Moreau

Material from "Disconnected Child" book, Brain Gym, and other Mind/Body techniques

We want to devote at least 30 minutes in each meeting discussing your questions and issues.

These meetings qualify for 1.5 hours of foster training, and there is free childcare if you register typically
1 week in advance. Also email back and let me know if you are coming. See details of meetings below.

LPC Couples Adoption & Foster Support, Thur 11/8, 6:30pm-8:00pm, Rockwall campus
room A-200, register for free childcare

Free childcare (must register ASAP):

- Deadline for registering for childcare is normally at least 1 week ahead of time.