The 2 sides of the brain grow at different times: from prenatal to age 2 – only the right brain grows, from age 2 to 4 or 5 – only the left brain develops, and from 5 to 10 - the sides alternate frequently in growing. The cause of the brain imbalance is when the brain has trauma or a lack of stimuli. FYI – I have more knowledge of right brain imbalance because our adopted daughter has this. For example, if a child has a difficult birth and neglect and/or abuse up to age 2, then they will likely have a underdeveloped right brain and display some symptoms such as ADHD, autism, Asperger’s, food allergies and sensitivities, anti-social behavior, hyper-sensitivity, oppositional defiance disorder, and problems with abstract and higher-level concepts such as reasoning and comprehension. Or if a child has neglect and/or abuse from age 2 to 5, they will likely have symptoms such as dyslexia, processing problems, and problems with details.
I suggest you first use the Master Checklist below, then purchase the "Disconnect Kids" book. We are doing this with my daughter, and I will start treatment within 1 month. If I have problems such as lack of progress I will look into going to the Little Giant Steps clinic.
1. PDF presentation on Disconnect Kids given at the LPC Adoption Foster Support couples meeting on Nov. 8, 2012
click here to open
2. Master Checklist provided in the Disconnect Kids book for diagnosing your child.
click here to open
Total number of checks indicate severity of problem. 50 or less mild, 50-100 moderate, 100 - 200 more severe.
More right brain checks indicate a right brain imbalance, and more left brain checks indicate a left brain imbalance.
3. “Disconnected Kids” book, by Dr. Robert Melillo, 2009 (I purchased ebook on Amazon for Kindle)
4. “Reconnected Kids” book, by Dr. Robert Melillo (ideas for making the Disconnected Kids program work at home)
5. Brain Balance Center of Plano, TX (one of Dr. Melillo’s clinics)
6. Little Giant Steps, Plano, TX (Christian, lower rates)
7. (Dr. Melillo’s web site)
8. (our blog)